Welcome to IJLERA! International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) is a scholarly open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in all areas of Engineering, and Its Applications..
We believe in the power of research and knowledge sharing. For our conference and journals, we welcome both theoretical and empirical manuscripts in all areas of science, engineering and related fields. The journal's target readership includes academics and training practitioners located across the globe.
The journal aims to maintain a rapid editorial procedure and a rigorous peer-review system. The submitted articles are peer-reviewed within approximately three months of submission and the accepted articles are published on the internet immediately upon receiving the final versions.
The target of IJLERA is to disseminate FREE information and advertise research and mix with modern specialists with quality administration.
The aim to provide an appropriate platform presenting well considered, meaningful, constructively thought provoking and non-controversial but critically analyzing and synthesizing present and future aspects of Technical Education System with particular reference to our country.
The contributors are expected to highlight various issues of science & Technical Education (incorporating disciplines of Engineering, Technology, Physics & chemistry etc.,) along with meaningful suggestions for solution and innovations.
The following types of article will be considered
1. Research Articles: Original research in different fields of science, engineering and technology will be evaluated as research articles.
2. Research Notes: These include articles such as manuscripts.
3. Reviews: Reviews of recent improvements, discoveries, developments, and thoughts in various fields of Science and Engineering will be considered.
4. Frequency: Twelve issues in a year. One Volume may comprise of two issues.