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Volume 09 - Issue 06 (June 2024)

Exploring Distributed and Parallel Image Processing Analytically
Muhammad D. Hassan
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 01 - 06, Vol 09 - No. 06, 2024
The documentation that is currently available disjointed and does not provide a unified framework that is suitable for beginners to use efficiently. For this reason, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the area of parallel and distributed image processing. For those who are new to the subject of parallel or distributed image processing, this article offers a comprehensive analysis of both parallel and distributed image processing. It contains a wealth of material that is quite helpful to those who are just starting out in the field.These are the findings of our inquiry into parallel and distributed image processing, which are presented in the accompanying report. Not only do we concentrate on the application areas and ongoing research endeavors, but we also pay attention to the methodologies, tools, technology, and API that are used. An examination of the research problems associated with parallel and distributed image processing is carried out by us. We also provide an overview of possible research topics that may be pursued in the field of distributed image processing in the future. Individuals who are just starting out in the subject of parallel and distributed image processing might benefit from this study since it provides a concise understanding of the topic.
Data Parallelism, Parallel Image Processing Tools, Distributed Image Processing Systems ,Task Parallelism
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Smart Factory Personnel and Plant Safety Management System: A Study on Production Efficiency Re-evolution Based on Real-time Data Integration and Interaction Technology
Chun-Chang Liu, Tien-Yin Chou, Kuo-Hao Tang, Yao-Min Fang
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 07 - 14, Vol 09 - No. 06, 2024
With the rise of Industry 4.0, smart factories have become vital to enhancing production efficiency and ensuring the safety of personnel and facilities in modern industrial settings. This study explores how advanced technologies and system integration can achieve digital and smart factory management. The smart factory management system integrates equipment monitoring, personnel positioning, and image recognition and possesses robust data analysis capabilities to support management decisions. This paper details the system's hardware and software requirements, environmental setup, and maintenance plan to ensure stable operation. The research results indicate that the smart factory management system can significantly improve production efficiency while greatly enhancing the safety of personnel and equipment, providing reliable assurance for enterprises in a highly competitive market.
Personnel Safety Management, Plant Environment Safety, Real-time Data Integration, Production Efficiency Re-evolution
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Evolution, Bipedalism, and Precision Throwing in Hominids
Pedro Juan Urbano Cardona
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 15 - 21, Vol 09 - No. 06, 2024
The evolution of powerful and precise throwing developed a means of defense and attack that enabled hominins to colonize the savanna, occupy a new ecological niche, and become hunter-gatherers, essentially becoming humans. The first achievement occurred when the bipedalism and hand structure of Australopithecus allowed for throwing that was powerful and precise enough to defend against predators when venturing into open fields to exploit resources. Subsequently, the precision grip and more complex motor skills in H. habilis developed throwing as a means to compete, at least occasionally, for carrion with savanna predators, similar to how Hadza women use wooden digging sticks to drive off a leopard from its fresh kill. Finally, H. ergaster specialized in throwing, acquiring the most favorable anthropometry for maximum performance, with modifications in the glenohumeral joint, longer legs, shorter forearms, and optimal weight and height, which made it a hunter-gatherer of the savanna and its Homo descendants colonizers of all the Earth's emergent lands.
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A Systematic Review of Studies on Centrifigal Pumps
Clinton Nachukwu Idibia, Joseph Chukwuma Ofodu, Ebigenibo Genuine Saturday
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 22 - 40, Vol 09 - No. 06, 2024
This paper focused on a systematic review of empirical studies carried out on radial blade centrifugal pumps in the last four decades (1980-2023).A focused literature search, based on PRISMA format for document selection and screening process for the systematic review, was adopted in conducting the empirical literatures search on Google scholar and other relevant sites, which are globally considered as most reliable and detailed database for literatures, to assess and download relevant empirical literature on efficiency and performance of centrifugal pumps carried out from 1980 to 2023. The results of the systematic empirical review were grouped into six different sections namely: Parametric Studies on Centrifugal Pump Impeller, the Pump Performance and Flow Field Studies, Design and Optimization of pump preference, Unsteady Flow Studies on Centrifugal Pump, Centrifugal Pump Performance Evaluation Studies and Centrifugal pump losses. The systematic review revealed that centrifugal pumps showed variant process operating conditions which were not always in agreement with the actual design conditions of the Pump. Hence, since the pumps are usually selected for operations within specific range of process conditions, it is usually critical that some field operators and maintenance teams usually may adopt to make certain field modifications in order to ensure and maintain the pumps availability to sustain operation and production, and a well calculated modification of the pump impeller have shown some remarkable operational improvement under some unavoidable changes on the process condition.
Centrifugal Pump, Pump impeller, Process condition, Systematic Review.
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