ISSN: 2455-7137

                    Call for papers

Welcome to IJLERA! International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications

Scope of Journal

International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA) is basically designed for the publication of novels and creative research relating to all aspects of Engineering & technology. It allows researchers to present their creative work regarding technology and newness in it. It prefers more creativity in work and also allows researches from different fields of knowledge.

This journal is indexed by many International bodies, and it is approved by National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources (NISCAIR), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India.

Articles are invited in the following fields:

Mechanical Engineering: Aerospace Engineering, Acoustical engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Vehicle Engineering, Tribology, Surface Engineering, CAD/CAM, Design Engineering, Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning

Civil Engineering: Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transport Engineering, Environmental Engineering

Electrical Engineering: Optical Engineering, Power Engineering

Computer Engineering: Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology Electronic Engineering: All relevant fields

Chemical Engineering: Process Engineering, Molecula Engineering, Materials Engineering, Biomolecular Engineering

Interdisciplinary Fields: Agricultural Engineering, Applied Engineering, Biological Engineering, Building services Engineering, Energy engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechatronics, Nanoengineering, Nuclear Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Robotics, Mathematics,Physics, Chemistry, Management Science

Upcoming Issues

Dear Author
Welcome !!!
We invite you to International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA). We do acknowledge both unique and audits examine from diverse fields, for example Engineering, Science & technology etc.

IJLERA gives the analyzers a simple and biologically suitable stand. The "Journal” gives a creative council where the analysts and researchers can examine the most recent advancements and drifts relating to all aspects of technology from the solace of their homes and work places.

Important Dates For July 2024

  •  Last date of Submission
30 July 2024
  •  Notification of Publication Due Date
Within 02-03 Days
  •  Publication Date
Within 05 Days After Registration