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Volume 07 - Issue 05 (May 2022)

Fractional Integrals of Fractional Trigonometric Functions and Their Applications
Chii-Huei Yu
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 01 - 06, Vol 07 - No. 05, 2022
In this paper, we obtain some fractional integral formulas of six fractional trigonometric functions. These formulas are generalizations of those in traditional calculus. The main methods used in this paper are the chain rule for fractional derivatives and the integration by parts for fractional calculus. A new multiplication and Jumarie type of fractional calculus play important roles in this article. Moreover, we give some examples to illustrate the applications of these formulas.
Fractional integral formulas, fractional trigonometric functions, chain rule for fractional derivatives, integration by parts for fractional calculus, new multiplication, Jumarie type of fractional calculus
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Research on the estimated area multiple regression model for the illegal building in Taichung City
Yung-Ching Lee., T.Y, Chou., C.Y, Mu., C.T, Wang
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 07 - 14, Vol 07 - No. 05, 2022
Illegal buildings are a common phenomenon in the process of urbanization. The area of illicit buildings is affected by various factors, which will also affect the future formulation of urban development policies. Therefore, it is essential to grasp the patterns affecting the area of illegal buildings. This study collected about 80,000 illicit buildings in Taichung City from 2001 to 2018 and found 13 factors that affect the size of illegal buildings from relevant literature. Use the data from 2001 to 2011 to carry out a stepwise regression (Stepwise Regression), establish a multiple regression model to estimate the area of illegal buildings in Taichung City, and after passing the model verification (Test) use the data from 2012 to 2018. , using two methods (R square and RMSLE) to verify the model, R square=0.637>0.5, RMSLE (Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error)=0.224 <1, the results show that the establishment of this research institute has passed the verification, which provides future research for urban managers. An essential tool for urban development policy.
illegal buildings、urbanization、stepwise regression、nonlinear multiple regression model
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Small World Optimization Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objective U-Shaped Sequence-Dependent Disassembly Line Balancing Problem
Pengfei Yao, Surendra M. Gupta
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 15 - 28, Vol 07 - No. 05, 2022
Economic development and societal advancement have greatly led to the development of manufacturing and product diversification. While all aspects of development are beneficial to the society, they also magnify the waste problem which has been getting serious attention during the last three decades. Vast amounts of end-of-life (EOL) products created due to these events cannot be solved by simply landfilling or by dealing using other outdated ways. Product recovery is one of the most efficient and effective methods to deal with EOL products. One widely used option in product recovery is remanufacturing. Disassembly is the first and one of the most crucial steps in remanufacturing which aims to physically separate EOL products into its constituent parts and/or subassemblies. Large scale disassembly is performed on a paced disassembly line via linked workstations. U-shaped disassembly line is a special type of disassembly line which offers higher flexibility because of its unique feature where operators and/or robotic machines can work across multiples stations. Balancing the disassembly line is essential to optimize multiple objectives by strategically allocating disassembly tasks to various workstations. A mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model can be formulated to optimize the objectives. Reducing the number of workstations, increasing smoothness, removing hazardous part(s) early and removing highly demanded part(s) early are four objectives considered in this paper. Since the disassembly line balancing problem (DLBP) is an NP-hard problem, meta-heuristic algorithms need to be developed for solving the DLBP within a reasonable computational time. Small world optimization algorithm (SWO) is a novel meta-heuristic algorithm which is inspired from the theory of “all people are six or less than six social connections away from each other”. The mechanism of SWO algorithm expands the searching space and enhances the convergence speed. Case studies for small-sized instances show that the MILNP model could find optimal solution(s) for the DLBP and that the U-shaped disassembly line performs better than the traditional straight-line disassembly line. In this paper, the proposed SWO algorithm can be used for large-sized instances. A comparative study is presented here that shows that the proposed SWO algorithm is superior to 9 other known algorithms.
Remanufacturing, Disassembly Line Balancing, U-Shaped Disassembly line, Small world optimization (SWO), Waste management.
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Proposing an algorithm to improve the efficiency of quantitative analysis by a goal-oriented approach for complex systems
Le-Duy.Phan, Van-Dung.Nguyen, Quoc-Bao.Vu, Viet-Vuong. Mai, Ngoc-Tuan. Vu
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 29 - 48, Vol 07 - No. 05, 2022
The brake system is one of the vehicle’s essential systems, especially for a truck. It helps to adjust the speed, to ensure the safety of people and goods being transported. Therefore, the reliability of the brake system has a significant influence on a truck’s mobility and stability. In the article [1], the author has introduced an analytical method to determine the low-reliability element of a multi-line pneumatic brake system by the goal-oriented approach (Goal Oriented - GO). The survey examples are selected from the multi-line pneumatic brake system on the KAMAЗ-5320 truck. In this paper, the author performs quantitative reliability analysis for the entire multi-line pneumatic brake system on KAMAZ 5320 truck based on the GO method. A generalized algorithm will be built during that process, allowing the quantitative analysis to be performed for any system. An embedded application or toolkit can be created with the proposed algorithm to perform GO quantitative analysis quickly and efficiently. Accordingly, users only need to enter the GO model declaration data set.
Algorithm, Quantitative analysis, Automotive pneumatic brake system, Goal-Oriented methodology.
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SCAN Based Clustering of Wear Particles In Denoised- Background Removed OLVF Images Obtained Using Zoomed-Fired U-Net
Abhijit Bhandari, Wei Cao, Zili Jin, Jiajun Wu, Zhiyang Cao, Jianying Yan, Jianfeng Wu
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 49 - 72, Vol 07 - No. 05, 2022
Different Ferrography approaches for analysing the wear particles have been devised in order to understand the Performance, Prediction of Failures and the remaining useful life of any mechanical system. Online Visual Ferrography (OLVF) is one of the best methods allowing researchers to capture images of wear particles even when the system is running. Butthe images obtained from it are low in resolution with random noise. To enhance the image properties and suppress the noise, different researchers have developed various processes. Many of the papers do not employ neural networks to solve the issue. So, to add to the solution, we have devised a U-Net architecture, i.e. the Zoomed-Fired U-Net (ZF U-Net). The ZF U-Net is a comparatively fast and robust denoising and background removal network capable of producing good results in just few milliseconds. Along with the Denoising Network, Semantic Clustering by Adopting Nearest Neighbours (SCAN) has been used to cluster the wear particles into individual clusters based on their extracted features. We have developed a pipeline that can denoise, remove the background and group the wear particles present in an OLVF Image into their respective clusters thus extending our abilities to understand more about the wear process.
Architecture, Clustering, Denoise, OLVF, ZF U-Net
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Gravity as the Result of the Pressure of Neutrino Field (Gas)
P. M. Kosianov
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 73 - 78, Vol 07 - No. 05, 2022
Problems Standard solar models, only partially solved in the framework of the theory of neutrino oscillations, is considered by the author as a result of neutrino - neutrino scattering. The consequence is the existence of neutrino field(gas). The expressions are obtained for the forces whichinfluencing on the physical bodies from the neutrino gas, and for gravitational constant. Explained the law of gravity. The density of the neutrino gas and the mean free path of neutrinos in it are evaluated.
neutrino oscillations, neutrino - neutrino scattering, neutrino field(gas), pulse, force, the density of the neutrino gas, the mean free path of neutrinos.
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Iraqi Multi-style License Plate Recognition System using Efficient Dets Model
Rasool Hasan Finjan, Ali Salim Rasheed
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 79 - 84, Vol 07 - No. 05, 2022
License plate recognition is one of the great challenges that come with the applications of computer vision, due to ambient conditions such as lack of lighting, motion blur, and deviation of the shooting angle. In this paper, we deal with vehicle plates in the State of Iraq, due to the variety of forms of plates in terms of design, size, and color. Which was designed to contain numbers, letters, and names of the provinces were written in Arabic. Where there is a new and old design, and there is also a special design in the northern region of the same country. This requires us to huge data for all these categories to obtain a high performance in the process of discrimination. A system has been proposed consisting of two parts, the first part is responsible for the process of detecting the plates, in which the SSD model with ResNet-50-FPN was used, and the second part is responsible for the process of discrimination, in which we used three models of efficientdet_d0 and the reason for this is that we have three types of plates and each Some of them are of different sizes, so we assigned each category a model to complete the process. Experimental results show that the proposed method is promising for license plate recognition.
Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Image Classification, License plate recognition.
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Challenges Faced by EFL Students in Choosing Academic Words for Essay Writing
Phan Thị Tuyết Vân, Trần Thị Yến Khoa, Nguyễn Duy Khang
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 85 - 93, Vol 07 - No. 05, 2022
Choosing academic words to use in writing an essay is one of the big problems for EFL learners today. This study investigated this issue to understand the challenges faced by EFL learners. The purpose of this study is to clarify the difficulties in using academic words, word usage, and factors affecting the choice of academic words to use in essay writing. This research included 53 students majoring in English Studies, course 44, of a university in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Through 53 questionnaires and 5 interview samples, the study has collected data for analysis. As a finding, this study revealed three main problems for EFL learners. Firstly, the difficulty of an academic vocabulary has affected learners' word memorization and application of academic words in essay writing. Secondly, the way to choose effective academic words to use is to create a rich vocabulary for yourself, use it regularly and improve your self-study ability. Finally, the vocabulary level of the learners and the topic are two factors that seriously affect the choice of academic words to use and the quality of the essay. In short, this study has discovered remarkable issues about the difficulties of students in the process of choosing academic words in essay writing.
academic words, challenges, writing essay, EFL learners
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