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Volume 09 - Issue 04 (April 2024)

A Study on the Standard Model of Smart Street Light
Jaemin Kim, Sangmuk Cho, Byunggoo Lee, Jinsheon Kim
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 01 - 10, Vol 09 - No. 04, 2024
Smart streetlights are innovative solutions that emphasize energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. Through the transition to LED lighting, they achieve energy savings and have the potential for efficient facility management. The development of smart streetlight systems requires interoperability, compatibility, scalability, and adaptability. A smart streetlight system integrating lighting control, remote monitoring, and environmental sensing capabilities is needed, and various configurations are compared considering laws and regulations. A survey of the application status of smart streetlights domestically and internationally reveals that they offer various services and functions such as energy savings, remote control, sensor integration, and smart city applications. Successful implementations of smart streetlights can be observed through case studies in domestic cities. The system configuration and functional analysis of smart streetlights explain the roles of IoT platforms, network infrastructure, and streetlight controllers, as well as key technologies such as sensor-based road condition detection, lighting control, wireless communication, and power supply management. The challenges and prospects of smart streetlights cover considerations such as standardization between products, technological stabilization, cost issues, patent rights, and maintenance. It emphasizes the need for collaboration between governments and businesses and a comprehensive approach. This research highlights the potential of smart streetlights and the importance of improving urban lighting infrastructure. It will be helpful in supporting the application and dissemination of smart streetlights.
Smart Street Lighting; Dimming Control; Smart cities; Smart Lighting
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Using Real-Time Detection Transformer in Park Management
Tai-Tien Chen, Yao-Chung Chen, Chen-Yu Hao, Tien-Yin Chou, Ting-Hsuan Lai
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 11 - 17, Vol 09 - No. 04, 2024
Object detection is one of the primary tasks in computer vision and a crucial tool for digital governance in smart cities. The YOLO (You Only Look Once) series of object detection techniques have been regarded as efficient methods. With the rise of Transformers, research in various tasks has stirred waves in the field of computer vision. RTDETR (Real Time Detection Transformer) emerges as a derivative method in the object detection domain. It is well known that each detection method has its own characteristics, and selecting an appropriate model according to task requirements is a common practice for executing the task. Therefore, this study retrained YOLOv8-x, YOLOv8-l, RTDETR-x, and RTDETR-l models separately for object categories required by our park management. The results show that in terms of detection accuracy, the YOLOv8-x and RTDETR-x models outperform the YOLOv8-l and RTDETR-l models, and the RTDETR-x demonstrates the best object detection capability.
Object detection, You Only Look Once, Real Time Detection Transformer
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Genre Classification and Musical Features Analysis
Ozlem Kilickaya
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 18 - 33, Vol 09 - No. 04, 2024
Genre classification in music is a fundamental task in machine learning research, with implications for music recommendation systems, content organization, and music analysis. This study delves into the process of genre classification and analysis of musical features extracted from audio files. Leveraging the GTZAN dataset, a widely used resource in music genre recognition research, this study demonstrates the extraction and exploration of audio features, including but not limited to spectral centroid, chroma features, and tempo. Three machine learning models—Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest, and XGBoost—are employed for genre classification, with meticulous attention given to hyperparameter tuning and proper train/test set partitioning to prevent data leakage. Notably, precautions are taken to ensure that excerpts from the same song do not overlap between training and testing sets, a common pitfall observed in similar studies. By looking closely at misclassified genre pairs and giving detailed explanations of classification results, the study explores the subtleties of genre labeling and questions how humans detect musical traits are different between genres. This research contributes to advancing understanding in music genre classification and underscores the importance of rigorous methodology in machine learning-based music analysis.
Genre classification, Music analysis, Audio feature extraction, Machine learning, Hyperparameter tuning, Genre recognition, Music recommendation systems.
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Development of Powder Metallurgy Setup for Preparation of Specimens as per ASTM Standards
Dr. D Ramesh, Yathish M.G
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 34 - 39, Vol 09 - No. 04, 2024
The development of Powder metallurgy setup aim to revolutionizemanufacturing processes through the utilization of metal powders and its alloys. This innovative approach involves the production of intricate components by compacting and sintering fine metal powders. The Development of powder metallurgy setup encompasses a comprehensive exploration of powder metallurgy techniques, emphasizing the advantages of this method, such as enhanced material utilization, reduced waste, and improved mechanical properties. The research work begins with an in-depth analysis of various metal powders, their characteristics, and the selection criteria for specific applications and the intricacies of powder compaction, studying parameters like pressure, temperature, and dwell time to optimize the forming process. Additionally, sintering parameters are meticulously examined to achieve the desired density and mechanical properties in the final specimen are fabricated as per ASTM Standards.
Powder metallurgy, Aluminum and its alloys, Surface finish,objective, and methodology, Working principle.
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Arunkumar S M, Saketh Dandu, Pavan Kumar H, Anubhav Ghimire
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 40 - 44, Vol 09 - No. 04, 2024
Bluetooth based 360° rotating machine is a special type of vehicle which can rotate 360° along with the vertical axis passing through the centroid of the vehicle. It has zero degree turning radius which means that, the vehicle is capable of rotating at the same place, where it is standing. In this analysis, a model of a simple 360° rotating vehicle has been shown which consists of several dc gear motors, servo motors and a control unit operated by a motor driver with the help of Arduino and the control unit operated by a motor driver with the help of Arduino and the control unit would be governed by an android Bluetooth application through a Bluetooth module.
Chain Drives, DC-Motor, Battery, IC 7805, Capacitor and Bearings.
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