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Volume 09 - Issue 12 (December 2024)

Determining the Real Capacity of an Automated Production Line for an Aerospace Company
Arnulfo Aurelio Naranjo Flores, Michelle Bobadilla Ramirez, Ernesto Ramírez Cárdenas, Martha Eleonor Flores Rivera
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 01 - 05, Vol 09 - No. 12, 2024
This study aims to determine the real capacity of a machine in an automated production line by analyzing cycle times, including both cyclic and periodic activities affecting performance. The A3 methodology was used to systematically diagnose the machine's capacity, focusing on time measurement and identifying factors that influence its operational performance. Data on cycle times were collected under normal operating conditions, from which both theoretical and real capacity were calculated based on measured times, without modifying the process. The research revealed that the machine's capacity is impacted by factors like variability in cyclic activities and periodic interruptions. The study provides an accurate measurement of the machine's real capacity, capacity is a key tool for understanding machine performance and making informed decisions.
Automated production line, cycle time, cyclical work, capacity, observation sheet, periodic work.
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Targeted Test Sequence Generation Using the BDD Method to Enhance Assertion-Based Verification Coverage in Simulation
Laila Damri
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 06 - 15, Vol 09 - No. 12, 2024
Assertion-Based Verification (ABV) is a powerful methodology used to ensure that designs adhere to specified properties, typically expressed as logical and temporal formulas. Widely regarded as an effective approach to functional verification, ABV dynamically evaluates these properties during simulation. Test sequences are crafted to validate the properties and achieve comprehensive coverage of activation conditions.
However, random test generation often leads to insufficient coverage, while exhaustive approaches quickly become impractical as system complexity grows. This article presents an innovative method for automatically generating test sequences using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), ensuring rigorous and efficient verification for critical embedded systems.
Assertion-Based Verification, Dynamic vérification, Embedded systems, Process automation, PSL, VHDL.
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Coordination and Optimal Supply of Microgrid Clusters in Large-Scale Transportation Self-Consistent Energy Systems: A Review
Muhammad Adeel, Biao Wang, Assad Ali, Ananna Zaman, Amin Ullah Khan, Misbah Fida, Israel Muaka MVITU, Rabbi Binda MVITU, Selma Magano Shuuya
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 16 - 46, Vol 09 - No. 12, 2024
The universe faces a huge challenge in fulfilling rising energy demand while lowering carbon emissions and boosting the RESs. This study addresses the problem that there has been no systematic research on the combined effects and benefits of using three coordination optimization methods in LSTSCESs. Due to a lack of mathematical and digital models, existing models may be limited in their ability to capture the complex interactions and dynamics of such systems. As the number of MGs and EVs grows, it is necessary to investigate scalable techniques for coordinating and optimizing energy supply within these systems. Considering the economic viability and strategic consequences of coordinating and supplying energy in MGCs inside transportation systems, research may be lacking. This paper presents an extensive review of the coordination and optimal supply of MGCs in LSTSCESs that has the potential to transform the energy sector. The aim of this study is to review new types of power transportation that have the potential to reduce GHG emissions, promote sustainability, and improve total transportation efficiency. To review the coordination and uncoordination, we found that coordination is more beneficial for the MGs and transportation systems. To study the hierarchical, centralized, and decentralized control structures and prove that hierarchical control in the fashion of decentralized control for large-scale systems is more beneficial and cost-effective. To discuss the optimization techniques and prove that metaheuristic algorithms are more economical. Moreover, to study the economic model, RESs is more economical than traditional sources with ESSs for MGCs. Renewable energy generation in transportation systems has become a fascinating trend, with advanced control algorithms and demand response strategies ensuring optimal energy supply in MGCs. With the rise of EVs, V2G technology is being increasingly used. The resulting energy from MGs can be harnessed through advanced techniques, reducing traditional dependence on energy sources and promoting renewable energy usage.
Coordination, Optimization techniques, Control strategies, Microgrid clusters, Large-scale transportation system, Self-consistent energy system.
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Fair Inverse Domination in the Corona of Two Connected Graphs
Deno A. Escandallo, Margie L. Baterna, Mark Kenneth C. Engcot, Grace M. Estrada, Enrico L. Enriquez
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 47 - 51, Vol 09 - No. 12, 2024
Let G be a nontrivial connected simple graph. A subset S of V(G) is a dominating set of G if for every v∈V(G)\S, there exists x∈Ssuch that xv∈E(G). Let D be a minimum dominating set of G. If V(G)\D contains a dominating set say S of G, then S is called an inverse dominating set with respect to D. A fair dominating set in a graph G (or FD-set) is a dominating set S such that all vertices not in S are dominated by the same number of vertices from S ; that is, every two vertices not in S has the same number of neighbors in S. An inverse dominating subset S of a vertex set V(G) is said to be a fair inverse dominating set if for every vertex v∈V(G)\Sis dominated by the same number of the vertex in S. A fair inverse domination number is the minimum cardinality of a fair inverse dominating set S in G, denoted byγfd(−1)(G). In this paper, we initiate the study of the concept and give the characterization of the fair inverse dominating set in the corona of two nontrivial connected graphs. Further, the domination number of the corona of two graphs was characterized.
dominating set, inverse dominating set, fair dominating set, fair inverse dominating set, corona
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Outer-Connected Inverse Domination in the Corona of Two Graphs
Ami Rose E. Montebon, Grace M. Estrada, Margie L. Baterna, Mark Kenneth C. Engcot, and Enrico L. Enriquez
International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications, pp 52 - 56, Vol 09 - No. 12, 2024
Let G be a connected simple graph. A subset S of V(G) is a dominating set of G if for every v∈V G ∖S, there exists x∈S such that xv∈E(G). A set D⊆V(G) is said to be an outer-connected dominating set in G if D is dominating and either D=V(G) or <V(G) ∖D > is connected. Let D be a minimum dominating set of G. A nonempty subset S⊆V G ∖D is an outer-connected inverse dominating set of G if S is an inverse dominating set with respect to D and the subgraph <V(G)∖S > induced by V G ∖S is connected. The outer connected inverse domination number of G, is denoted byγ c(−1)(G), that is, the minimum cardinality of an outer connected inverse dominating set of G. In this paper, we initiate the study of the concept, and give the outer-connected inverse domination number of some special graphs. Further, we give the characterization and domination number of the outer-connected inverse dominating set in the corona of two nontrivial connected graphs.
dominating set, inverse dominating set, outer-connected dominating set, outer-connected inverse dominating set
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